
Erika Martínez

Erika Martínez (Spain, 1979) holds a doctorate in Hispanic Philology, and is currently associate professor of Latin American literature at the University of Granada. Her first book of poems, Color carne (Pre-Textos, 2009) was awarded the National Spanish Radio Young Poetry Prize. Her second book of poems, El falso techo (Pre-Textos, 2013), has been translated into Italian by Matteo Lefèvre (Ensamble Edizioni, 2018). Her latest book, Chocar con algo (Pre-Textos, 2017) has received unanimous recognition from critics. She is also author of the chapbooks Marionetas (Asociación Diente de Oro, 2009) and Diez intemperies bajo techo (Centro Federico García Lorca, 2015). She has published some poems translated into English by Lucina Schell in POETRY magazine, and in Point of Contact (Syracuse). Her website is