When was Katharine Hepburn born?
How did Katharine Hepburn pass?
What made Katharine Hepburn famous?
What did she suffer from?
Is Katharine Hepburn still alive?
Is Katharine Hepburn still living?
When did Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy meet?
How tall was Katharine Hepburn?
What was her favorite movie?
How old was Katharine Hepburn in The African Queen?
Was Katharine Hepburn married to Henry Fonda? Was she married
    to Howard Hughes? Was she married to Humphrey Bogart? Was
    she married to Spencer Tracy?
What was Howard’s mental disorder?
Did Henry suffer much in the end?
Did Katharine Hepburn ever have children?
Were Humphrey’s teeth knocked out while filming Beat the Devil?
Where did Katharine Hepburn play golf?
Why did Katharine Hepburn wear trousers?
What did Katharine Hepburn do to change the world?
Why did she talk like that?
Why did her brother kill himself?
Where has Katharine Hepburn gone?
Who did she leave her money to?