The Black Arts Movement in Chicago—


Andrew Peart, Eric Powell & Gerónimo Sarmiento Cruz, Editors, Preface

“This special feature gathers documents from, and critical assessments of, the history and legacies of the Black Arts Movement (BAM) in Chicago. It makes no pretense to being comprehensive, or even representative, of BAM as a whole. Rather, we hope that it marks a beginning: of further dialogue; of the recovery of important texts and under-recognized figures; of continued celebration of and critical assessment of the richness and importance of BAM in Chicago, nationally, and internationally.”

Visit the BAM Web Companion to read selections from the issue, and to check out various supplementary materials, including photos, videos, and several music playlists.




avery r. young, from skyscraper(s) & erything

Valerie Hsiung, from Outside Voices, Please

Daniel Woody, Black in America

Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Pegasus; Darkness

Cole Swensen, Garden of Ghosts; Birds

Aaron Coleman, Anthrophotograph; Collision Test Fool

Cai Qijiao, translated by Edward Morin, Dennis Ding & Fang Dai, A New Spring; A Poem that Wrote Itself

Yadollah Royai, translated by Kaveh Bassiri, Desert Stone; Forugh Farrokhzad’s Stone; Al-Razi’s Stone; Closed Umbrellas 

Huang Fan, translated by Margaret Ross, Blanket; Hat; Spoons; Nanjing Night Song

Marguerite L. Harrold, War Diary; Tea & Crumpets; For the Elder at the Velvet Lounge; Apprentice 

Tyrone Williams, Imperfect Angel




Anthony Reed, Listenings 

Reggie Scott Young, Overcomed




Joshua Pollock, On the Infrarrealistas Issue and José Vicente Anaya



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